Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Reduce ~ Reuse ~ Recycle

I think we all have a favorite pair of jeans that we can't stand to part with? 
And then...the inevitable happens!
::sigh:: Yup. A tear...right where you can't fix it!
Thank goodness it was cooler weather and I was wearing a long cover shirt!!
Cause I'm sure the couple I was meeting with would have thought twice about hiring
a minister with the back end hanging out lol

Well..I hung onto them...just cause I thought I could do 'something' with them some day.
Then it dawned on me...every time I do laundry and/or throw a pair of my jeans on the bed..
without so much as a moments of the cats is there! Bam! Mine!

So I thought..hmmmm...

1st I stitched up the little hole, then I stitched the legs shut....

Next..I stuffed the legs.

Going with the whole theme of reuse and recycle...
I used fabric samples that we get at work that will just be thrown away...
Stuffed the legs and a bit of the 'bottom' of the jeans,
then folded them over....
Now...I need to stitch this together...

What?! The stuffed jeans don't fit in the machine?
Guess I have to hand stitch!

I did a tack stitch on each side, the bottom and a couple in the middle to keep the legs together.

When its all done...put it somewhere for the cats..
(I put it by the back door for now)

Now watch your kitty enjoy!!
He likes it!!
This is Shamus...he will probably hog it the most :D

Well...don't forget to share YOUR projects!


  1. Nice job Melanie! I am going to be posting a project on my blog, tomorrow. :)

  2. Hey now...that's my promised!! Well, I rude.....what has become of friendships and sharing.....just rude, rude I tell you!!

  3. Donella - thanks! I hope your going to share your new project too! :D

  4. Lonelle...I hope you got enough fabric! :D
