Monday, December 12, 2011

All you 'kneed' to know...about my knee replacement surgery.

Welcome to my Knee Replacement Journey.

If your reading this, its for one of 3 reasons...

1) Your my friend and didn't get enough of my play by play on Facebook haha

2) Your about to have knee replacement surgery & looking for other's stories


3) You've had surgery..and still like to read about others.

Before you read further..I must warn you...I am picture happy and there will be a lot of pictures,
some of them a bit graphic. So if you are weak with these kind of things....
stop here...don't read on.

You HAVE  been warned! :D

Where did my knee problems start?
I've had problems with my knees for a good 20 years now.
They gradually got worse over time, until it came to a point
where it just needed to be completely replaced.
This is an x-ray before surgery. Notice the knobs sticking up (bone spurs)
and there is no gap between the bones on the inside of the leg. I was bone on bone.
This is how they looked the night before my surgery.
The one by the pinkie is the left...its the one I had surgery on.
I can not think of anyone in my family having any issues.
My mom passed away when I was 18, but I don't recall her having any problems.
Nor do I remember her 3 sisters, brother or parents having issues.

One of my aunts told me that my great g-ma had the same bow legs and 'waddle' I had...
so 'maybe' there is a little hereditary stuff going on..
but I'm not sure that would be quite enough to really call it 'hereditary'.

I wasn't heavy into any type of sport that could have worn my knees out.
I did a lot of walking when I was younger and liked to roller skate...but that
was about the extent of the 'activity'.

 I saw several Dr's over the years.
I heard everything from arthritis to chondromalacia
(which scared the hell out of me cause I thought I was dying haha)
and even a 'congrats, your a typical woman'
(I don't think I need to say that I never saw that Dr again, do I??)

About 10 years ago I had arthroscopic surgery on both knees (about 6 months apart).
It helped for a little while...but obviously it was just a short term fix.

The last couple years have gradually gotten worse and worse..
I've had friends and family ask why I didn't go in and get replacement.
I don't know...
scared, chicken, didn't think it was necessary cause I could actually
still 'walk'?
So...I waited...

Last year, I finally made my way to the Dr's because I was having so much trouble 'walking'.
The Dr sent me to a specialist and had a brace made for my leg.
That helped me with long term walking (shows, amusement parks, etc)
and dancing for almost a year.
This is the casting process so it could be sent up to have my brace made.
Hey..if people were going to stare anyway...
why not get bright and obnoxious! :D

What prompted me to finally go in?

This past September 2, my hubby and I were out working in the yard.
I turned to take a step and it felt like something tore in the back of my left leg.

Hubby asked if he should go get my brace...and I said yes.
I couldn't even strap it on because the pain behind my leg was so bad.

I went to walk into the house to rest and found that I couldn't put
any weight on it. Good thing hubby was already there to help me in.

I was just going to rest and my hubby insisted that we were going to the clinic.
When I went to put my shoes on...I discovered I couldn't bend my all.
(round 2 of frustrated crying!)

Wow...there must have been something really wrong.

So, on a lovely holiday weekend, we spend almost 4 hours sitting
in urgent care. The Dr just said to go home and rest and ice it.
No x-rays or anything.

I take that back...she gave me an ace bandage and asked if
I wanted a prescription for something stronger.

And when I called back on Tuesday to see what it was I was diagnosed with..
I was told tendinitis.

Ok, I'll wait till Tuesday to call the 'real' Dr. (Monday was a holiday)

I called Tuesday and left a message with the Ortho Dr..
They finally called me back around noon, to be told that its been over a year (like 5 days)
since I've seen the Dr so I have to go to my regular Dr for another referral.
My Dr is out on maternity I had to make a lot of calls just to find a Dr to see
so I could pay them $15 to have them give me a referral to my Dr I've already seen.
(A lot of calls? Because you have to have a 'name' of a Dr to call and make an appointment.
 I finally got a hold of Dr that could see me before the week was up.)
Oh..and as a side note...once I was at the ortho Dr...
I was informed I should have been able to see him without another referral.
I love insurance!!
At least this Dr ordered an x-ray.

Here it is....can you see what's wrong?

I finally saw my ortho Dr and he told me I had a bone spur
(see it sticking out in the back of the knee?)

I had to walk very cautious for the next few months.
Any sudden moves would hurt badly, and my knee was starting to lock up on my at times.
I also couldn't walk with a straight leg, so walking was quiet a challenge.
He said when I was ready to get it and I would be first on the list.
No....I didn't schedule it there on the spot...
I needed to let the final truth penetrate into my brain!

And the reading begins!!
Just like you now...I started reading everything I could!

The Week Before Surgery.

I had my pre-op appointment on Friday December 2.

This is the Dr's nurse...
and here's my Dr...Bok Choi!

Then it was off to explore the rest of the clinic.
(I saw all 4 floors this day!)

EKG was on the 3rd floor...

Then down to the main lobby for a blood...ewww

But my lab tech Samantha was pretty awesome!
Last....down to the basement for my x-ray.
This is Bob, my xray tech!
And here's my 'chest' x-ray.
What was I thinking?? I shaved my legs for this? rofl
Silly me....assumed since I was having 'knee' surgery...
they would want to xray my knee.


2 Days Before Surgery.

I made a LOT of calls to make sure of the who/what/where and how much
before surgery day. I do not like 'surprises' least not in 'bill' form!
That's 'Cover Your Butt'!
Even if one person says something to you...confirm with another.

I spoke to a young lady in the billing department of the hospital.
My hospital stay was going to cost $250.
But if I paid the day of, or before, surgery...
I would save 20% and it would only cost me $200.

Well of course I'm going to save $50!

So I went in 2 days early to drop off the payment.
(I just didn't think I was going to be in the mood to carry my purse and deal
with that the morning of surgery!)

I told the lady at the counter that I was here to make a payment so she
gave me a pager and told me to take a seat and I would be called.
Really? I have to 'wait' to make a payment?

*Real quick . .here is where the CYB comes in.
The lady in the office that took my payment told it was going to be $250.
I told her the reason I was there 2 days before my surgery was because I was told
it would be $200 if I paid early.
She was like 'Oh, they offered that special to you?'
And if I hadn't mentioned it...
she would have gladly made me pay full price!


Where was I...
Oh yes!
I guess there is an entire 'check in' procedure,
that no one bothered to tell me about.

Well I was here! So let's 'get er done'!

 Didn't have to wait more then 5 minutes before pager went off.
Went back into an office and was asked a bunch of questions;
Name, birth date, ss#, spouse, emergency contact, do I have a will...etc
She also wanted my Drivers License and Insurance card.
Did all that, then signed an electronic paper..
and paid my $200..thank you! lol
Even got me a purty little bracelet.
Although, for $ would think they could add a little bling to it! lol


The lady gave me a big stack of papers and told to go down the hall
and check in for testing.

 I was so confused! Testing? I already did all that Friday..didn't I??

Went and 'signed' in at the new window and was given a 3 page paper full of
medical history questions to go fill out.

When I was done, I dropped them off and the lady told me to wait and I would
be able to see the nurse soon.

We waited...and were finally told we would be called at home tomorrow
by the nurse.
Crazy! I had to wait 10 minutes for that??

(By the way, I keep saying 'we''s because my daughter was with me.)

30 minutes total at hospital and I was another step closer.

Now to go home and wait!
Surgery is December 8th. Check in at 5:30 am!


The nurse did call me the next day.

Just went over the medical history and asked if I had
ever had surgery or had any questions.

Then sort of briefed me on what to expect the day of surgery.

She went over the whole day basically.

Where to check in and what will happen,
what rooms I will go to and for about how long,
how long my hubby could be with me and visiting hours.

That was nice...not having to go in and wonder what will happen.


Surgery Day!

Showered and shaved and jumped into my jammies before bed...
so all I had to do at 4am was crawl out of bed and leave!
Ok...not really.

I figured this would be the last time I could put jeans on for a while....
so I got dressed. :)

I had to do something cause I couldn't sleep and
I couldn't have my beloved cup of morning coffee!

They love to torture you with that whole 'no food/drink' after midnight.

We jumped in the car and made it to the hospital by 4:20 am.
Bonus? There IS parking at that time of day!
And hardly anyone in the lobby.
This is where I stayed
Riverside Community Hospital
(I forgot to take a photo, so I grabbed this off Internet it was dark when we got there.)
I was on the 6th floor looking down over the church on the left side.


When we arrived, there was one guy sleeping in a far corner and about
4 others checked in (or checking in) for surgery
(they all wore THEIR pj's lol)

It was nice and quiet.
We went in and gave our name and they gave us a pager.

Don't they usually use these for restaurants?
Hmmm ..wonder what's for breakfast! lol


I'm curious....does anyone else have one of these in 'their' hospital waiting room?
Its a flower vending machine! lol
Pager finally went off at 6:09.
Only 39 minutes late!

Nurse came out and we followed her down one of many long hallways to the pre op area.

Which is this wonderful area with about 10 beds and a few curtains...all open..
No privacy here!

(this is actually a pic as I was being wheeled out..
so I wouldn't be taking a pic of other patients.)

1st 10 minutes was spent changing and 'wiping down'.

They gave me a pack of wipes with directions and which body parts to wipe.
Some kind of sterile wipes..but they had aloe and stuff so they weren't too bad.

But not only are you standing in an ice box naked,
your wiping yourself down with cold wet wipes! Brrr!

Oh...and for us girls....a pregnancy test. Joy!

By 6:45..I'm sitting in my fancy bed with my fancy gown...freezing!
So I asked if they had a blanket for my feet.
Nurse whips out this hose and sticks it in a hole in my gown.

Its a changing gown blow dryer! lol

Once I unplugged it and moved it down to my 'feet'...I was much better.

Then...came the nose swab.
They stick a big cotton tip swab up both nostrils to test you for MRSA or Influenza.

Let's not forget one of our favorite pre-op things...
The IV...owie.

All taped down and ready for cocktails!


Now we roll off to the surgery area...
Hubby got to follow..


This was my surgery nurse . . .

Are you digging my cool gown and hat! lol

(Interesting thought...I didn't wake up with this gown on.
Glad I was knocked out for that! lol)

This was a much smaller waiting area.
I think there were only about 4? beds in this area.


The Dr finally came in around 710? to say hi and see if there
were any more questions and give me his autograph!
There is it! Dr Bok Choi's autograph! lol
Had to make sure we were doing the correct knee.

My anesthesiologist also came in so we could discuss what options I had.

I was given 3 choices.
General - which just knocks you out (you get that with the other 2 also)
Spinal - which goes in the back and numbs everything from that spot down.
or another option was where its supposed to
actually kill the pain more directly for a longer period of time.
But 'that' particular one is a shot in the butt and a shot in the hip.
And there was something mentioned about a shot making the leg
twitch once it hits a nerve so he knows where to insert the tube or something..
Ummm no thanks! lol

So...I chose the spinal.
I hate shots...but that was the next best to kill pain better and longer.

Here's my guy coctktail bartender! lol
This pic was actually taken after surgery . . in my room.
(Notice the gown I'm wearing now!)


It's 7:25 and I'm scheduled for 7:30 surgery.

Hubby has to wait and I get wheeled into the surgery area.

They took my I couldn't see too much in the surgery room.

There were several people running around getting things done.
They helped get me onto the surgery table
(which I recall feeling not as soft as the previous bed! lol)
Then a nurse came around and told me to 'lean' on her
while I was sitting slightly bent over
so that my anesthesiologist could put the needle in my back.
They gave me a play by play so I wouldn't have any 'shock'...
There were 3 wipes (cleaning I would assume) then a needle...
then I was a hair dizzy and that's all I remember.
I don't even remember laying down!
I was about 1 1/2 -2 hours in surgery then in recovery for another couple hours.
I left recovery and headed up to the 6th floor...
room 652b (window seat!)
around 11:50.
My hubby was already there waiting for me :D
There was no feelings. I was fairly 'with it' least, in my mind haha
I kept a notebook and pen with me to document things....vitals, meds..
anything that I could write down...just to help occupy my mind and time.
I brought my laptop too, but knew paper and pen would be easier to deal with...
for a little while anyway!


1st 24 hours.

I woke up the recovery area.
From everything I read before hand,
I remember they said to move the feet to avoid clots.

So that's the first thing I did!
I remember how odd it was that I had a
spinal to get my left leg worked on,
yet when I woke up...
the right one still felt 'asleep'
and I could feel the left one ok.

11:50am..left recovery and checked in to room 652B.

I wonder about the guy who took me up to my room..
my goodness! I think he hit every wall and corner he could find! lol

There was no one else in the room
so I got the window side and some privacy for a little while.

It was a nice view.
 If I sat up I could see some of the parking lot and the church.
I could also see a lot of Mt Rubidoux.

I had all my bells and whistles....

IV, with self medicating pain pump attached.
  (I was told I could hit the button every 10 minutes if needed.)

A full leg brace immobilizer with
drain pump attached to leg.

And of course...
 my good old catheter....
at least I didn't have to get up to use the bathroom lol

Even with the pain pump...I was still given regular drugs.
(I'll make a list at the end of each day of all the ones I had..
just forgive me for misspellings!
Along with my Vitals)

Oh..and to keep those lungs clear...
They give  you one of these fancy toys...
You have to suck on it 4 times an hour
and try to beat your own high score lol

My 'personal' room didn't last long.

I got a roommate about 235.
She was very interesting.
She had knee replacement also, but has issues with IV's
and certain pain meds. They had to put an IV in an
odd spot (I think it was by elbow?) so that
every time she moved, it would sound the IV alarm.
OYE! No more peace and quiet.

Also, they gave her some drugs to help knock her out for a while...
and when she came too, whooo wheeee!
She was crazy! Trying to get out of bed,
and cussing and arguing.

They finally had to move her to another room (the next day), for closer care.

Ahh...peace and quiet once again!


They brought me food about 420...but I was still really dizzy and nausea.
It was easy food too, soup, tea etc...
but I just couldn't do it!

They started me on my antibiotics about this time too.

At 5:20, they gave me my first dose of cummiden (blood thinner)..
that lasted all of 25 minutes.
I finally got sick!
I think it helped a bit though....

Between being sick, medications, vital check ups several times
and a crazy roomy...I didn't get much sleep!

*At the end of each day...I will list my Meds and Vitals.
I'm sure I missed a few...but that paper and pen gave me something to do! :)

Thursday Meds:
Pain pump: as needed
Zophran: Nausea. 11:10 & 8:55
Toridal: Pain/inflammation-non narcotic. 2:35 & 8:45
Cumidon: Blood Thinner. 5:20
Pepcid Pill: Nausea 9:25
2:15 BP 110/62
3:35 BP 110/56  Oxygen 99
5:30 BP 117/55 Oxygen 100 HR 75
6:10 only got temp @ 97.2
7:00 BP 109/60 

Day 2. Friday December 9

12:00 pm & 3:40 am...time for those vitals!
I just don't get it..why do they have to wake you up?

Managed to get down one cracker in the late night/early morning time frame.
I just knew that if I could would help with the nausea!

6:40 am
They brought in one of the machines
(roomy & I both needed one.)
(*roomy was moved out this after noon some time)

8:00 am
Can't concentrate...feel like I'm on serious drugs!

8:25 am
Breakfast was brought to my room...
I still wasn't feeling well. I was really hoping to try to eat..
in hopes that it would help with the nausea..but dang it!
NOTHING tasted good!

This is like what I would eat at home..
but its like my taste buds were covered in bleck!

Didn't even touch the coffee..which is a must for my AMs!
I did save the juice for later.

I couldn't eat my breakfast...which made me sad.

But these...
made me happy!

One of the trucking companies from my
work had them sent to me!

First PT came in.
This is Matt.
And this is me.

I managed to stand up and take 2 whole steps forward.
I was so dizzy and nausea still, that I could hardly manage that.

I made it to the bed and grabbed for the bucket.
It was close...but thankfully I didn't yak in front of the PT and family!
(Can you tell how I felt from this pic? lol)

They tried to set up machine for roomy...and it didn't work.
They brought another one in and at 11;35, and  I was up and running.
Flex at 35.

My 2nd round of PT.
It was a girl and I forgot to get a pic!
 But hey, I was feeling a 'little' better and actually made it closer to the door!


I finally got a couple of visitors.
It was so exciting!
This is Julie....
And this is David.
Thanks you two!
You made my day today! :D
Sorry if I was a little out of it though....


The nurses changed about every 12 hours. I had several different nurses,
assistants etc throughout my stay.

A couple of them I loved..
and a couple were there just for a pay check.

One issue I had this night was my IV.

My nurse went to give me a shot and the IV was backed up....
so guess what?
Round 2....or was it 3..or 4?!

She tried my left hand on top....and I mean, in and dig around! Yeoch!
Didn't work.

Then my left arm..didn't work.

I told her to give me a few minute break and come back! lol

Round 3 worked!
Ok...she hurt me...but she was one of the 'cool' nurses! :D

Friday Meds:
Toridal: 6:50am,  8:00pm & 10:45pm
Cumidon: 5:00am
Norco: 6:30pm
Peptic: 8:00pm
3:40 BP 92/48 Temp 96.7
8:10 BP 113/59
11:40 BP 110/61 Temp 98.1
3:50 121/63 Temp 97
7:15 BP 109/54
11:45 BP 107/52

Day 3. Saturday, December 10

I think today passed in kind of a haze.
It was like I was in and out of a drug induced state.
I was aware of everything around me..
but I didn't write much down and what I did write was
very hard to read lol

I think they changed my drugs up a bit because I remember
saying I could feel my knee a bit and it was

~*~ WARNING~*~
Gross talk next lol

About 3:25 I had the urge to pee,
but that should not be possible with a catheter in.
I told the nurse and she checked it out and did
some stuff to it.
But it didn't help.
She told me if she took it out that
they couldn't put one back in and
that since I wasn't scheduled to have it out
till the next day,
I would have to use a bed pan.
OMG! Really??
But what choice did I have?
I had to go!

So she took it out and gave me a pan.
Oooo how exciting! My 1st bed pan.
In a hospital bed, alone, with a bum knee.
Not fun!!
Well, maybe due to the whole awkwardness of the situation,
position, wasn't working well.
I went like every hour.
Talk about uncomfortable!!
After a couple of hours and my bladder feeling huge
and hard...I figured there must be something wrong!
So I called the nurse (next shift...start story all over again)
She got an ultrasound? type machine to see if I was
'retaining' urine.
Eww....awkward...yuck! lol
So...laying down, with a full bladder, and having cold
cream rubbed on and a wand pushed against you is NOT fun!
She said yes I was.
She suggested I be upgraded to a 'bed side' potty.
The bathroom is 10 steps from my bed!
Fine...whatever...I still have to go...bring it! lol
The Queen's Thrown.
Rated R for REALLY gross! lol
I hope you don't have to have one ;)

I think it helped...but only a little.
It was still really challenging getting in and out of bed
to use it every hour.
I was not a happy camper this night.
Especially with phycho roomies who have alarms
going off all the time.
~*~ Yuck talk done! Moving on.~*~

It was funny this am...cause around 3:25...I was hungry!
Finally!! Maybe I could eat and get to feeling better.
79 1/2 hours is a huge stretch to go without food..
especially for someone like me who loves their food!

I called the nurse and they found me a couple of packets of
graham crackers. I actually nibbled them all up and kept them down!

Another Dr, filling if for mine, came in around 9:30 am.

Asked me a few questions:
Was I dizzy?
Could I wiggle my toes?
If I was going home or to assisted care Sunday?
If it felt different?

I saw my Dr like once...for maybe 2 minutes...the day after surgery.
That was the only time I saw him.

I 'did' get the OK my PT to walk...
which means using the 'real' bathroom.
YAY! :)

Some time in the afternoon...I got a bandage change.
I asked the nurse if I could take it off
(at my own pace for less pain haha)
then call her to put new one on.
She said ok.

This is what was underneath....
I believe that's 15 staples.

It looks gross...but it actually looks a lot better
than I expected it to look.
I can't wait to get them out.

Now for the 'good' talk.
YAY! Today was a good visitor day.
Well...I think so.
I was still pretty loopy on something and wanted
to fall asleep haha
But I loved having visitors!
Ronna, Laurie and the baby!
My In laws Ken and pat.
My friend from Vegas: Donna and
my friends from Palm Springs: Dugan and Luisa.
Today..I got a new PT ....
This is Glen. He was pretty cool.

Although..I had to fire him the next day..
as I was out walking around doing my own
PT before he showed up lol

Sat Meds:
Perkoset: 3:10
Perkoden: 4:30, 8:30
Peptic: 9:30
Lot's of P drugs. They could be the same...or different.
Like I of them must have put me in a haze this day lol
Sat Vitals:
3:25am BP 125/59
6:50 BP 107/44 Temp: 97.8  Oxygen: 98
I will continue to add to this .....but for now, I'm tired.
Let me know what you think?
Too much detail.
Would this be something YOU would want to read if you were going in
for surgery...would it help?

Day 4. Sunday, December 11.
7:50 am

Here it is! My first meal in 3 1/2 days!
Seeing as how I hadn't eaten in so long...I kept it light.

Sourdough toast and jelly, fruit and a cup of coffee!
Oh how I enjoyed every last morsel!

And the coffee...
I called and had them bring me a 2nd cup!
I was a happy girl this am! :D

Along with a full tummy...I got 2 more visitors today...
My son Justin...

And my friend Arlene.. the the one I was walking around with
when I ran into my PT and fired him haha

And with all that work out...
I worked up some more appetite and ordered me some lunch..
Grilled cheese, fruit and ice tea
(which I gave to the hubby cause the tea tasted bad lol)

Man! Was it good to actually 'taste' food!!!

Another bit of good news today...

I graduated from my PT class!

Ok...basically...I got up and walked a few steps haha
So I got my own walker to cruise around with now,..
Tada! Freedom! lol

 My last day was kind of odd...

It seemed like a very quiet day compared to the ones before.
As if they knew I was going home some time and ignored me...

When the nurses changed shifts...I got the coolest nurse yet!

This girl went above and beyond the call of duty!
She was 'there' (Not like some of the other nurses
where you had to hit the call button and wonder when they
would show up)

She was very friendly, she went out of her
way to help get the things I needed to help get me checked out ..

And best of all...

She got me this really cool ride down to the car!

Haha...hubby could have ridden with me!!

Sunday...5:12 pm..I'm finally heading home!

Hospital time all done!
I will try to work on the 'home' part next...


  1. Great post!! I had a spinal for the births of both of my kids! Aryn's was great, James only worked on one side (which didn't matter since I had an emergency c-section anyways!! lol).

  2. Thanks Doreen!

    Lonelle - Thank you. I have never had a spinal before! I thought it was odd when I woke up though..cause I could feel my left foot (surgical side) but my right side was more numb.

    1. It looks like I am having a spinal too for my partial knee op at the end of the month I was interested to see you were asleep, I thought ( and thats whats freaking me out) that I would be awake listening ( i am utterly nosey) to all the gibber in the OT

  3. Hello Louise!
    1st..sorry for the delay. My computer (or blog?) has not been letting me sign in and reply for the last few days. ::fingers crossed:: I think its ok now.
    2nd: Hope my blog helped.
    I kinda wondered the same thing about the spinal. My 1st thought is 'baby and awake' haha. I'm not sure if every administration is the same (Ie: knocked out the minute the tube is in), but I can imagine its pretty close.
    Good luck with your surgery!

  4. Hello..I no longer have access to this blog…but I now have an IG & small YouTube if you are interested. YT Gunn's Homestead & IG @gunns.homestead
